Events Calendar

BBA Booth at Apple Days
Saturday 05 October 2024, 07:30am - 03:00pm
Hits : 23
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We will have a presence at Apple Days on Saturday, Oct 5th, from 9am-2pm. I have always enjoyed having a booth during this event. It's known as the Biggest Bake Sale Under the Big Sky. There will be arts, crafts, food, live music, everything apples, apples, apples! This will be a vibrant, social, fun-filled time! AND we will have our Bitterroot Bird Alliance booth there!! We will have bird games for kids to play (and their parents too!), merchandise to sell, bird books to look at, answers to their “I’ve seen this bird” questions (you don’t have to know the answer, we’ll have reference books and our Merlin apps!), lots of flyers and handouts about our birds and how to keep them healthy and safe, and lots more!

Want to help? I will need help during set up, booth times, and take down. Here’s the schedule:  

1. 7:30 – 10:00: Set up and then booth; 

2. 10:00 -12:30: Run the booth; 

312:30-3:00:  Run the booth time/take down. 

Set up and take down involve dealing with the canopy, the tables, the handouts, the merchandise, etc. You will be on your feet during these shifts. Once I get a list of the volunteers I will send you more information about the day.

I would like 3-4 people on each shift. Let me know if you are willing to take a shift, and which shift. 

You will have a great time telling the crowd about how fantastic our Bitterroot birds are. To help, please email Becky Peters at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and please put “Booth” in the subject line or I won’t be able to find it. 

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05 Oct 2024
07:30AM - 03:00PM
BBA Booth at Apple Days
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