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Skalkaho Bend Pollinator Planting
Saturday 13 May 2023, 10:00am - 04:00pm
Hits : 261
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Calling Volunteers to Plant a 60’ Native Wildflower Garden at Skalkaho Bend Park on Saturday, May 13th!!!  By Becky Peters 

So many of you have already helped BAS and Bitter Root Land Trust to plant native shrubs and to seed native wildflowers at SBP (and then to weed around them!) Thank you so much!!  I hope that you have visited the park to see your achievements! Some of the wildflowers have made it through the winters! Those were the first steps, now for the next step. With the help of BAS, Bitter Root Water Forum, and the City of Hamilton we are going to plant a 60’x5’ Pollinator Garden at the Skalkaho Bend Park. It will take years to get it established but the community will enjoy the results for many years to come.

Join us on Saturday, May 13th. Bring your garden gloves, some garden tools (labeled with your name) and a willingness to get dirty. Some of you may be weeding to help with past year’s plantings and some of you may be getting the ground ready, planting the new forbs, or shoveling the mulch. There will be snacks and water there for you and please bring whatever you need to be comfortable.

We will have one shift from 10 AM-1 PM and another shift from 1-4 PM.

Please email me, Becky Peters, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject line: Planting! Let me know which shift you would like. Bring your grandkids, your kids, whomever! Bitterroot Audubon loves to have families involved.

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