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Author Event: Wilted Wings, by Mike Mctee
Wednesday 19 October 2022, 06:00pm - 07:30pm
Hits : 148
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This event is hosted by Chapter One Bookstore in Hamilton : THANKS!!


Author Event: Wilted Wings, by Mike McTee


Join Chapter One as we welcome local author and researcher Mike McTee to discuss his new book, Wilted Wings.  In this groundbreaking work, McTee, a hunter and wildlife researcher in western Montana, exposes a terrifying link between humans and eagles, while building the framework for how to safeguard these iconic raptors.  McTee will discuss his research and book with a presentation and book signing.  We will meet in person October 19th at 6pm in Chapter One Book Store.  Copies are currently available at Chapter One.

"A heartfelt call to action, Wilted Wings makes the compelling case that our choices matter—for humans, our winged fellow hunters, and many other wild species. Hunting lead-free is a win for us all."

—Tovar Cerulli, author of The Mindful Carnivore: A Vegetarian's Hunt for Sustenance

Event date: 
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Event address: 
252 Main Street
HamiltonMT 59840

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