Events Calendar

Skalkaho Bend work day: pollinator garden
Tuesday 12 October 2021, 10:00am - 04:00pm
Hits : 54
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Weeding and Watering for Our Pollinators’ Wildflowers 

The population of our pollinators is declining. Planting Montana native wildflowers for our pollinators is a way to protect them while enhancing the health of our ecosystem.

And you can help us do that! 

Bitterroot Audubon and Bitter Root Water Forum would greatly appreciate your help on Tuesday October 12 and/or Tuesday, October 26. 

First step: Our purpose is to weed and water the area of the Skalkaho Bend bench and the lower swale.  We have plantings there that need to be taken care of this fall. We need to weed around them and get the soil ready for seeding native wildflowers this winter. 

When:  We’ll start at 10:00 both days and go till 4:00, but folks can leave when they need to. We’ll gather and give out instructions, and make sure the release forms are signed. Then we’ll divide up into assigned areas and try to get as much done as we can.

What you need to bring: warm clothes for the weather, sturdy shoes, long pants and long sleeve shirt, knees pads if you’d like, leather gloves for pulling the thistle, etc., water and lunch. Some of us will need pliers, shovels, and trowels so if you’d like to bring those make sure they are labeled. Bring your face mask to wear when near others. Black garbage bags for gathering the weeds will be supplied for you.

If you would like to help Bitterroot Audubon and Bitter Root Water Forum with weeding and watering at  the Skalkaho Bend please contact Ellie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We’ll send you a Release Form and a Covid-19 Guidelines Form after you sign up to volunteer.

This project could not succeed without you. In a year and a half just imagine - the beautiful wildflowers will be blooming and the pollinators will be flying all over. The pollinators thank you and Bitterroot Audubon thanks you.

Then . . .  wait for it . . .  the Second Step: We scatter the wildflower seeds this winter!! So, stay tuned for another request where we actually get the seeds scattered around the plants on the bench and in the swale.

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