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Monthly Program: Pisces and Passerines, Fish and Fowl
Monday 20 September 2021, 07:00pm - 08:30pm
Hits : 99
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Pisces and Passerines, Fish and Fowl  Christine Brissette, of Trout Unlimited

Trout Unlimited has worked in the Bitterroot for decades restoring fish habitat, but their projects often benefit more than just fish. Efforts to improve riparian and wetland communities have also been shown to impact a wide range of riparian-dependent birds, amphibians, and mammals. In fact, riparian systems support a higher abundance and diversity of bird species than any other habitat in the western U.S. and are the preferred breeding habitat for at least 30 Montana species of concern. As it turns out, what’s good for the fish is often good for the broader ecosystem. 

On Monday, September 20th, Christine Brissette, Trout Unlimited's Bitterroot project manager, will present on several recent projects that have vastly improved habitat for wildlife above and below water. These projects range from fencing riparian areas on cattle ground, to dam removal and large-scale mine reclamation efforts. Through partnerships with the Montana Bird Ecology lab, the Montana Natural Heritage Program and others, Trout Unlimited staff are learning how to best incorporate features like snags and wetland swales that can extend the value of the work we do for fish, to non-fish species.  

Christine will also discuss an upcoming project on Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge to remove a fish passage barrier, reconnecting 3.5 miles of stream habitat to the Bitterroot River. Input from birders and wildlife advocates will be central to the design of this exciting project and we hope that you’ll participate in future opportunities to provide feedback and comment.  

Christine has worked in stream restoration for 15 years. She has an M.S. in Watershed Hydrology and spends much of her free time on Montana rivers. As Trout Unlimited’s Bitterroot Project Manager, she works with local partners to develop projects that improve aquatic habitat and water quality throughout the valley. This includes installing fish screens to eliminate fish entrainment in irrigation ditches, identifying and removing fish passage barriers, riparian revegetation and monitoring.  


Registration is required for the program (to minimize the chance of another Zoom Bombing). Register here: 

When: Sep 20, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 

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